Lolly's will be closed for Spring Break from Friday, 4/15- Friday 4/22
I wanted to take this opportunity before spring recess begins to extend my warmest wishes to our families for a safe, healthy, and relaxing break. For those who celebrate, I wish you a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter.

National Read Across America Day SIGN UP
March 2nd is National Read Across America Day. In honor of this special day, we are so grateful and excited to bring MYSTERY READERS back to Lolly's. Please sign up to read aloud in your child’s class! IN-PERSON read alouds will be hosted all month long. (If you have already had an opportunity to read aloud in your child’s class, we ask that you allow other parents an opportunity to sign up.
Yellow Room: https://signup.com/go/FsvgzGo
Blue Room 3K: https://signup.com/go/wgFPjVs
Red Room: https://signup.com/go/jqgdJqp
UPK Class 4K: https://signup.com/go/jtcowwP

February 21st- February 25th: Midwinter Recess (Center Closed)
February 15th- February 19th: Midwinter Recess (Center Closed)

February 14th: Happy Valentine's Day. Centerwide PAJAMA DAY!
Please wear your favorite PJs to school.

Tuesday, February 1st: Lunar New Year (regular school day for all)
Lunar New Year: Regular school day for all.

Wednesday, December 1st: Holiday Picture Day!
Wednesday, December 1st. If your child does not attend school on Wednesdays, Jessica will be in touch to make arrangements for him/her to come in for photos. This is a special picture day option for holiday photos and we will be doing class photos in the spring. Please see attached below COVID-19 protocol sheet from Lifetouch Photo for more information regarding the precautions they are taking to keep the children safe while delivering high quality picture day photos.

Thanksgiving Food Drive - Items will be collected on November 24th
Thanksgiving Food Drive: Please drop off canned or boxed foods for our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Lolly's will be working with the Hunters Point Civic Association. Items will be brought to various homeless shelters in the NYC area. Please see posters attached below. The drop box will be located in the vestibule of Lolly's starting November 5th and items will be collected through November 24th. Thank you for your support and participation.
List of crucial items needed: 18oz cereal (non sugary), boxed milk, 1 liter juices, canned fruit, canned tuna or chicken, canned beef stew, peanut butter.
Other items needed: toilet paper, shampoo, body wash/soap, baby wipes, diapers (all sizes), jars of baby food, enfamil, baby rice cereal.

Friday, October 29th: Annual Trick or Treating and Pumpkin Picking.
Children are encouraged to come to school in costume! Unfortunately, due to precautions we must take due to COVID, festivities at the center on the 29th will be available only for children who attend school on Fridays. However, all children enrolled at the center are invited to join us for our pumpkin picking event (which will be held outdoors on the 29th). Parents are welcome to join us as well. Please keep an eye out for details (time, place, etc.) which will be sent out a little later this month. Thank you in advance for your understanding and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 9th: First day of school for all children enrolled in Extended Day programming in our 3K/4K classes.
Please note that to attend on Thursday, September 9th and/or Friday, September 10th, children must be enrolled in the extended full day on Thursdays and/or Fridays.

Monday, August 30th - Friday, September 3rd: Center Closed: Staff Development; September Visits; Classroom Set-Up
Center Closed: Staff Development; September Visits; Classroom Set-Up

Friday, June 18th: Donuts with Daddy
Donuts with Daddy from 8am-10am (during drop-off outside Lolly's)
(ALL dads, grandfathers, uncles, neighbors, friends or any important male figures are welcome to attend)
Please join us on Friday, June 18th for DONUTS with DADDY at Lolly's.
Hosted outside Lolly's during drop-off. Come have a donut with us anytime from 8am-10am!
ALL dads, grandfathers, uncles, neighbors, friends, or any important male figures are welcome to attend.
Also on 6/18, Lolly's is participating in LIC Springs from 12pm-3pm. Click here for details: